Adam Silver
Instagram @adamsilver

Jane Mansfield
Instagram @adamsilver

Diane Little
Instagram @adamsilver

Hugo Bearding
Instagram @adamsilver

Lina Kang
Instagram @adamsilver

Minerva Scheou
Instagram @adamsilver

Holly Ringer
Instagram @adamsilver

Manuel Sigord
Instagram @adamsilver
Welcome to our family
Insider is the American magazine of global contemporary design. Founded in 1993, Insider covers the worlds of architecture, art, design, fashion, and travel, with a focus on how these fields shape and are shaped by contemporary culture. Through incisive writing, engaging visuals, and an emphasis on process and craftsmanship, Surface inspires, informs, and entertains readers, pointing them to the next big ideas in global design. Surface magazine is published six times per year, with each issue dedicated to a particular theme, while surfacemag.com provides daily updates on the latest design news and long-form storytelling. In addition to a New York–based team, Surface counts experts such as David Basulto of ArchDaily, Bettina Korek of For Your Art, Ben Pundole of A Hotel Life, and Valerie Steele of the Museum at FIT as regular contributors. (Left: “Beartooth Portal” by Ensamble Studio at Tippet Rise, a vast sculpture park featured in our May 2016 issue. Photo: Alexis Pike/Surface)
Insider Design is a cross-disciplinary group of experience and production designers, researchers, technologists, writers and content strategists, graphic designers, filmmakers, producers, interior architects, project managers, photographers and more. We are former librarians, mechanics, life insurance agents, therapists and modern dancers with a variety of perspectives. We believe that design is contextual, inspiration comes in many forms, and that collaboration with our community is the key to well-designed experiences.